Sunday, November 25, 2007

Baystate Cross Sterling, MA

Yesterday I drove 400 miles to race for 45 minutes....Sterling, of the classic New England UCI races. It was 24 degrees. Sweet. It was fun, I have to say. I intended on leaving directly after my race, and getting my scrawny ass back to the NYC...but when I see the big boys warming up, like cross legend Tim Johnson..and soon to be legend Jeremy Powers....I just have to stay and watch. It was a great battle in the Elite race yesterday between Jesse Anthony, Tim Johnson, and J. Pow. The course favored Anthony and Powers as it was more of a speed course, and not technical or powerful. ALOT of off camber..(or ADVERSE camber as Phil Ligget would say) and the ground was, well, frozen, as per usual in NE cross races. So the three of them were battling it out, and it was so cool to watch them all throwing punches. J.Pow figured it out early I think....there was a wicked steep run-up, that he rode on the first lap. He was the only one that could nail it, and I personally think made a conscious decision to save that shit for later. Then it came...the screws got turned by Jesse and Jeremy, and Tim popped with 2 to go....then with 1 to ws time for that run-up...J.Pow nailed it, and instantly gapped Anthony. After that, it was a matter of just givin it the stick for a lap. Jeremy poured it on, and with a half a lap to go, you physically saw Anthony blow. His chin dropped, his shoulders slumped...and most importantly, his legs stopped moving so damn quick. Powers put another New England Classic in the books....a well deserved victory.

turn up the good...

and turn down the SUCK. That's the advice that I need to be giving myself right now....I tell you...I have been racing a pretty full cross schedule this year, and I am coming to the conclusion that I am getting old, fat , and slow....and THAT just will not do.
But no...seriously...I have been having a great time....It doesn't feel that way about 30 minutes into a 45 minute race, but....I just keep telling myself that its fun..
More self-deprecating  race reports later...

Friday, November 02, 2007

cross bitch slaps me

I love cross like no other, but that shit HURTS!!!!! Did a nice race up at Craigmeur last weekend....I did not win. Kevin Molloy did, and the asshole lapped me...I thought you were my boy Kevin?? The other tragedy is tat my flask sprung a leak....and I ended up with a backpack that was soaked in scotch. I don't so much mind that my bag reaked like a distillery....just pissed that the bag is soaked and not my liver. Photos from the man....Marco Quezada: more at