Monday, March 03, 2008

baby's first bath

That's right....the first scrub on the new stick for the year...
This is how we have to do it here in the NYC. In the bathtub.  The good thing about this situation is that it forces me to clean the bathroom after...WAIT WAIT WAIT....I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking that the only time I clean my bathroom is when I clean my bike...aren't you?  Well...YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!!  This could be a contributing factor to my perpetual single-ness...but if you think bathroom probabally stays cleaner as a result.  
Let's face it.  I clean my bike before every race, and after REALLY nasty training for the most part...I'm cleaning that unit once a week at a minimum!
The downside, is no amount of scrubbing bubbles will completely erase that grease ring....SORRY LANDLORD!  GOOD THING ITS A RENTAL.
Whatever...some people have hairballs in their tub...I have grease know...the ones from you rear derailleur jockey pulleys?  I LOVE THOSE!!
Keep it clean...


Wheeknee said...

I was going to ask you for some urban bike maintenance tips, but I see I got the bike bath trick worked out as well as possible.

rslkly said...

yep...the bathtub and an understanding landlord is all you need. I use simple green, and a park chain cleaner to do the drive train, and an old water bottle to fill and spray the frame down...

also, it helps to spray down with water bottles full of water outside, especially if there is alot of grit on the frame....