So I bought new running shoes this weekend. That can only mean one thing. Cross season. I love racing cyclocross. Its fun, its technical, its short and intense. Kinda like my past relationships.. I like it because I can train sporadically, and still do OK, and crashing doesn't hurt nearly as bad as the road. The one thing I don't like like about the whole deal is, you guessed it: Running. Mentally running might be one of the hardest things for me to get jazzed up for. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it, and I'm not that bad at it, but that whole "runner's high" thing has never been the monkey on my back. I have been hanging out recently with several people who run marathons like its their job, and I tried having the discussion about my mental block on long distance running. Keep in mind, I had had a few beers. They were saying that its not any harder for them to run 18 miles than it is for me to ride my bike 60 miles. Yeah, O.K.....BUT WE CAN COAST! Cyclists stand up, sit down, stop for coffee and muffins....whatever, anything to distract ourselves. To me it seems like a long run would be like locking me in a room with myself for 5 hours. Yeah, exactly...Brutal. There is only so much time I spend in my own head. So. It works out well. I race bikes, and cyclocross only requires a minimal amount of running. So I'll do my hill sprints, High Knee lifts, and Stairs, and leave the long distance business to the mentally stable.
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